Pavia - May 6-10, 2024
NL24 Course - Nonlinear Computational Solid & Structural Mechanics

Course Objective
Objective of the course is to provide the participants with a solid basis for computational tools and software use to achieve the optimal design, and/or to carry out a refined analysis of nonlinear behavior structures. [link]

The course will introduce the current state-of-the-art in finite element modeling of nonlinear problems in solid and structural mechanics and will highlight the difficulties in a number of applications. [link]

Each day will end with an interactive session where to address simple problems to be solved on the spot and used as a basis for discussion. Students are encouraged to bring their own laptops in order to run examples and participate actively. [link]

On the Registration page you can find the fees for participants from industry, faculty members, PhD students & Post-Docs. For further information please contact [link]